Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weekly Reflection #3

Wow!!!! Senior Project over!!! I can't even believe it. This week has been phenomenal with work. Let's see where do I start. Well, first off the focus group went perfectly. Susy was really grateful for the feedback. It was all exactly what she needed. This made me extremely happy because I successfully achieved my goal on the focus group. Susy is planning on taking what they said into consideration. However, I taught her a trick of turning what seems to be a negative into a positive. I once learned that when iPods originally came out customers absolutely hated the headphones. So what Apple did was launched the add campaigns with the earbuds in the commercial and photos. They also made it so that you could only get the headphones when you buy an iPod. Well, what eventually happened, as we all know, was that the headphones became a sign of status. And now no one wants an iPod without white earbud headphones. So I told Susy that she could apply this basic idea to her belts. For the D rings the group told Susy that they made the belt impossible to budge. So instead of spending money on new D rings I told her that she should simply classify the D ring belts as practical belts and should be used for actually holding pants, skirts, or shorts up. As for the plastic buckles the girls said that they slipped and didn't keep the clothing secure. So I said that they should be classified merely as accessories. When a woman needs a belt to complete her outfit she can use it for appearances only. More people are apt to buy certain things when they think that it is for a specific need. Think of Vitamin Water. The bottles tell us that they or for specific things such as concentration or energy. And we buy them for what we need...not the flavor. So if Susy applies this to her belts then I think she would be in a perfect position.
Also this week we worked on photography. Unfortunately it didn't come out the way that we hoped but it is good enough for now to show possible clients and to have on file to know what we sell. As for the logo we decided not to change it. Therefore, my goal for the logo was a bit tweaked. I instead worked with Susy on making tags that can be sewn onto the belts, headbands, and key fobs. They look great.
Now, as for that website. We may not have a website or any blueprints for it, but what we do have is a plan for the future. So basically we no longer are going to go big and go for e-commerce. Instead we are just going to use a website with pictures to send out to friends, family, and buyers. That way they can at least see the products and make orders by phone and or e-mail.

All is Well with Nantucket Jewel!!!

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