Friday, May 23, 2008

Last Day

Hours Worked: 12:00 - 2:30
I can't believe that this was the last day of Senior Project. In my opinion it couldn't have gone any better. Today Susy and I logged in all of our hours for the week and worked on putting tags on the products. We couldn't put them on many products because Artisans had bought just about everything from us. We mapped out every single tag on a word document so that Susy can always go back to it. I also made a stop at Artisans to see all of the products and they look great. But as any business man would do I rearranged everything to make sure that the best products were right up in front to represent the company.

Artisans is panning on helping susy gain more buyers in the state and in Boston. They are also going to help her get a representative who can do all the selling for her. All is well with Nantucket Jewels!!!

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