Friday, May 9, 2008

So today was a really good day. We ran into a problem with the order from the Bahamas because the woman was not very clear in her e-mail about what she would like to order. As of now we think that she wants 16 new styles and will make a much larger order come Christmas time. However, we would still like to know exactly what she wants. So as a new project for me I will be developing an online order form so that buyers can purchase merchandise in a very simple fashion. I’m not sure how it will work out yet but I think it will be broken down very simply so that there can be no confusion. Also, today I taught Susy how develop her fall line of colors. I took her to and showed her multiple fashion shows for the fall/winter ’08 collections. By dissecting all the different looks she can find what colors she can use and it can help define herself as a designer. I also taught her how instead of just looking at future outfits that she should look at the future shoe collections. This is because many outfits have belts to match their shoes. So if her belts match shoes that are released then she could make a bigger profit. Things are going well with my project. Today really allowed me to show Susy what I know about the fashion industry. So far I think we are off to a great start. This week has been full of planning and next week will be full of plan execution.

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