Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hours Worked: 8:00-12:00
So today Photography was the name of the game. I basically created a little photo studio in Susy's house so that I could photograph all of the products that she will be bringing to Artisans workshop. I had four different color posterboards that I used as backdrop. So whenever I had a belt or headband I would photograph it on a posterboard that was of the complete opposite color. The reason I did this was because I wuold have an easier time photoshopping the photos. This is beccause when I go to select the belts and headbands it will make a crisper cut so that no other backround is in it. Then what I do is inverse the selction so that I have everything but the belt and headband selected. Then I can delete everything else and make a pure white backround and it looks like I only photographed the belt/headband. I plan on photshopping all tonight so that I can have a portfolio before the end of the week. As opposed to everything I put in my last post I think I might keep it a bit simpler. I think I will keep some of the stuff I said, but I think I will put the portfolio of all these photgraphed items on display. Then I can give them all a number and create an order form so that some people can buy what they like. But that is just and idea I'm not to sure yet. All is well with Nantucket Jewels!

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