Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weekly Reflection #1

As I’m starting the process of writing my weekly reflection I debate on what there is to truly reflect upon. Do I worry about whether or not I am keeping up with my goals? Do I plan on doing anything different than what I have already done? Or do I simply stick with the status quo and write exactly what I’ve been told to write without going above and beyond? And although these questions are present in my mind I can’t help buy deny what I am actually thinking. I think that I learned one of the most important lessons that I could possible learn about the work force during this past week. I learned what it’s like to balance your personal life and professional life. When this week began I was planning on diving right into senior project at full force. However, this goal fell short when my uncle was diagnosed with leukemia. I immediately dropped what I was doing to tend to the needs of my family. I knew that this was something I would never be able to do in the corporate world, but I could not resist the urge that I was feeling. Although I was given the opportunity to stay longer with my family I decided that I had a duty to my hours for senior project. I returned to New Hampshire promptly and got straight back to work. This was an experience of extreme importance because of the fact that I was able to maintain my loyalties on both ends of the spectrum. This is a skill that everyone must have before entering the work force so that the lines of different responsibilities are never blurred. This helps avoid much confusions and controversy.
As for my goals, everything is right on task. Website design will become more relevant in the following week. I plan on having blue prints for a web page to be finished by Thursday. I think that it will put Susy’s business in a supreme position to widen her range of buyers.

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