Monday, May 12, 2008

Very Productive

So today I started with at Susy's from 11:00 - 11:35. Then I went to chorus, but as soon as it was over I got straight back to work. I then was able to work from 1:00 until 8:15. This allowed me to catch up on many of the hours that I missed last week. Today was extremely productive. I was able to create a contract to conduct a focus group of about 8 people. The contract asks whether or not the person would like a belt or head band. It also requires a signature in order for the individual to commit to wearing the product for 5 days straight. After these five days they will fill out a survey that will allow Susy and I to learn of any complications that need to be changed. It also gives us an idea of what products people would be more apt to buy. The plan is to have the contracts in by wednesday and the products to be ready by either Friday or Monday. As well as plan out the focus group I registered Nantucket Jewels for a domain (url/website). Some problems have arisen but we will fix those tomorrow morning. The website will allow ecommerce to occur and this will be of great advantage to the company. This way Susy can sell in bulk. We will start out with just a paypal account and then if things go well Susy will apply for a Visa account in the Fall. We also debated on how to use her current logo. However, we thought it would be best that I take photographs of the sandollars that I own and create a brand new logo. All is well with Nantucket Jewels and there will be much more to come tomorrow morning.

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