Monday, May 19, 2008

And so begins week numero tres!

Hours Worked: 9:00 - 11:00 & 1:00 - 3:00

Today was rough cuz I really wasn't feeling all that well. The show has been taking up the majority of my time at night and I am becoming exhausted. So today I developed a very simple survey for the focus group. In fact it is so simple that it only has two questions per product. They are...did you like the color coordination of the headband/belt...and.....please give any feedback you have on the product. The reason it is so simple is for a very specific reason. If the question is as simple as asking feedback then you are putting the response in the customers hand. This way you know exactly what they are thinking. If I were to narrow it down to a bunch of yes or no questions then I would be able to make a chart of who liked what the most. But that would be of a disadvantage to Nantucket Jewels. If the customer tells us what they want us to know then the company can make exactly what future buyers would like to purchase.

We also decided that we are going to 86 the website plans. It has become way to difficult. The company we have been working with has been absolutely useless. We will still photograph all of the products for a future website and for a possible order form for buyers.

All is Well with Nantucket Jewels!!!

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